What I do
Responsive websites
I know how to effectively create the structure of a website using semantic HTML, and style websites with CSS and responsive layouts. I have developed an understanding of different use cases for CSS Grid and Flexbox, and structure the layout of a web page using grid columns and rows.
Web Applications
I develop interactive websites and UI applications using Javascript, and frameworks like React and Gatsby. I am able to connect a web application to backend server using Javascript, and automate application build and deployment using Webpack
UI Design
I am heavily involved in the planning phase of a project, working with the client and deciding what the goals are. I use the collected informations from that phase and make it to reality. I am involved in user testing, learning from the users and improving the designs.
Who I am
Freelance web developer based in Lyon

My work
A selection of my range of work

Portfolio Marketing Website
Multi-section portfolio website built with Gatsby and Tailwind CSS
Development Tools: Gatsby - React - Tailwind CSS

Monsters Rolodex
Monsters Rolodex is a simple react web app built with Tailwind and Firebase as database
Development Tools: React - Tailwind - Firebase

My Gatsby Blog
Personal blog using a Static Site Generator while ensuring website’s speed and performance optimized with JAMStack
Development Tools: Gatsby - React - GraphQL

JeeAsH Clothing
E-commerce project built with React
Development Tools: React - Firebase - Stripe API
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